ISO: Recreation Board Members

In search of Recreation Board members for the following programs to continue:

Youth Soccer                     Youth Basketball
Minor Hockey                    Skating Club
Club Volleyball                   Youth Baseball
Youth Band                        Summer Play Patrol

Positions that need filled are: Chair Person, Secretary and Members at Large for each of the above programs.

We would love to be able to keep offering these programs to our Community so please contact the Recreation Board or the Village of Caronport if you are interested.
Thank you!

November 3, 2022

The Village of Caronport is so thankful to have a Recreation Board that offers programs and activities to our Community. These programs allow us to gather with friends and family to participate in sports and activities we love. Our Recreation Board takes care of all the behind the scenes action to keep these programs running smoothly and without them these programs would not be able to happen.
The Village of Caronport is asking for your help to keep our Recreation Board running smoothly. Many hands make light work! If you or someone you know would like to become a member, please reach out to the Village Office or the Recreation Board directly. Some positions available are Chair Person, Secretary and Members at Large for all Clubs. We would love to have you on board to be able to keep offering the programs we all enjoy so much.

Recreation Board:
[email protected]

Thank you,
Office Staff
Village of Caronport

November 23, 2022 | Village Office