SaskPower 2023 Wood Pole Maint Program

From: Public Engagement <[email protected]>
Sent: June 16, 2023 1:35 PM
To: Undisclosed recipients:
Subject: SaskPower 2023 Wood Pole Maintenance Program

Dear Mayor and Council,

SaskPower contractors will be inspecting and performing maintenance on wood power poles near you. This work extends the life of our infrastructure, helps ensure reliable electricity for customers and saves money by reducing expensive emergency repairs. This year we will inspect almost 97,000 of our wood poles throughout the province.

Wood pole inspections involve looking for physical damage, potential signs of decay and carpenter ant infestation. Wherever possible the poles will be treated, repaired or reinforced. If a pole cannot be repaired or reinforced, it will be marked for replacement.

The contractor for this work is Central Pole Inspections and Maintenance Inc. The schedule for your district is noted on the attached information sheet.

Crews will do their best to stay within the SaskPower right-of-way as much as possible. However, workers may need access to private property in certain cases. Contractors will wear high-visibility clothing and carry identification with them, and their vehicles will be marked with their company logo. No power outages are necessary for this work.

Please share the attached information sheets with your residents as appropriate.


Christine Enmark, P.Eng., MBA

SaskPower | Stakeholder Consultation, Corporate & Regulatory Affairs

Information Sheet SaskPower Biosecurity and Power Lines (PDF)
June 28, 2023 | Village Office